Some days I just want to praise God. Today is one of those days. I woke up rested. The sun is shining, the air clear and unseasonably warm. I took the dogs out for our morning constitutional, running and walking fast, so I am energized as well. There have been improvements at home, and I feel calm as I face the future. On such a morning, I often feel overwhelmed with gratitude, and just want to thank the Lord of the Heavens for all God’s glorious gifts.
I love Peterson (the author of the Message, the contemporary paraphrase of the Bible that I am reading right now) and how he uses new language to get across the power of the events he describes. Who of us hasn’t had that experience of leaping to our feat shouting “Bravo!” at the end of a particularly exciting or excellent performance? And, yet, every day we wake up to the wonders of a Creation more exciting and excellent than anything that man can devise. Why not shout “Bravo!” to the Creator of All? It gives wings to my heart just to read it! Was it Einstein who said that either nothing is a miracle or everything is a miracle? Today I am in the "everything is a miracle" crowd, moving into my day overflowing with gratitude for all that God has brought into my life.
Prayer: Dear God, Today you have blessed me with a sense of awe at the splendor of your creation, and deep gratitude for all the blessings you have bestowed on me. Remind me that each day holds this potential for joy and gratitude, for that deep awareness of your favor and the incredible blessings of my life. Keep me humble in the face of all that you are. Amen.
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