What does it mean to be God's Temple? God is the source of the sacred fire burning within me that brings me life. But that fire must be tended, and the Temple cared for if it is to be a place where God's Presence can shine like a light into the world. So I need to tend to the fire, the spirit within, through all my spiritual practices -- like this reading and writing, like my contemplative practices and being part of a supportive community. And I need to tend the Temple by keeping it in good repair attending to its needs, providing the right fuel so all of its systems run effectively.
My church recently completed a renovation of our Parish Hall. It took literally years to get the right plan executed. At first the plans were grandiose--a big expansion of our footprint and a huge budget. What we ended up with was no increase in actual floor space, but a well designed much less expensive and more efficient use of the space we have. And now the electricity works, the systems are reliable, the windows open -- it's a beautifully designed but simply executed space that really addresses the congregations' needs. Our bodies are the same way. They need the right fuel -- good healthy food -- and environment -- physical and lots of fresh air -- in order to be healthy so that we can carry out God's work. We need to get our systems checked periodically and address issues before they get serious if we can. Our bodies are the Temples of God and need to be treated with respect.
Prayer: Dear God, Holiday times are indulgent times, yet I know that's not always best for my body. Help me keep in mind that I am your Temple when I make choices this holiday season. Amen
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