This has got to be some of the most counter-cultural advice ever given! In our achievement obsessed culture, where "greed is good", and the game is played precisely to get your own advantage, the suggestion that you "forget yourself" is blasphemy. Helping others get ahead is helping the competition get the better of you. Corporations keep their advances secret so that, with the element of surprise, they can catch their competition flatfooted and race ahead. Yet here we have again one of the many paradoxes of Christian faith, of the spiritual path: that by helping others, you yourself will gain what is of most value, a life to treasure.
I have really been experiencing this lately. Ever since I began to think of my mission in the world, and not just the purpose of my business, I have been energized, seeing opportunities everywhere, and finding so much satisfaction in what I do! In Benjamin and Rosamond Stone Zander's fabulous book, The Art of Possibility, they speak of how seeing things in terms of "Making a Contribution" can bring energy to an otherwise mundane or difficult task. If I see myself as making a contribution, my vision soars beyond the horizon of my own life, I gain a perspective as wide as the world, and there is a glimpse of eternity in that. Paul talks about God being the energy that enters in to fuel the task when we are looking to serve others, and that's about as good an explanation as any. It's energy that charges the ignition, lights the creative fire, gets the juices flowing in a way, for me, that just doesn't happen when it's only about my little business, and making money and getting "what's mine". This element of service brings me into communion with a larger Presence, a greater whole than just my life, or even my family, or even my church community. It somehow places me on the map of all humanity for all time -- and though that is a humbling context to see myself in (VERY humbling! I'm no Catherine of Siena, or even Mother Theresa!) the inspiration of spirit I receive to pursue my very humble purpose brings at once the energy to do what needs to happen, and a sense of gratitude for the very opportunity to be of service, to bear witness. And that gratitude may be the greatest incentive of all.
Prayer: Dear God, I am so grateful for the inspiration to serve You and to serve the world with the skills You have led me to develop. I pray to be worthy of the opportunities You provide, that I not have concern over my own advancement, but only the advancement of Your Kingdom. Amen.
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